On the sharp end

Sending it since 2006

Location: Flatlands, US

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm like Jack Johnson (minus the musical talent)

As my friend and renowned rock journalist, Crystal K., describes Jack Johnson...his lyrics are always just on the verge of profound, but never really make it.

That's how I feel about this blog. I wish I was wittier, funnier, or deeper. But in all reality, my schedule and the demands of school don't really allow me sufficient time to reflect and flesh out my thoughts to the extent that I would like to. So please forgive me for the superficiality of these entries. But hopefully, like Jack, I can provide something that is fairly entertaining and enjoyable never-the-less.

Sidethought: I can also relate to Jack in his passion of surfing. For me however, it is climbing. Some of the ways that I have heard him describe surfing, how it is sort of an all-consuming undercurrent in his life, describe exactly how I feel about climbing. Not that I get to climb nearly as much as I would like, but it is never far from my daydreams. Thoughts of mountains interrupt my studying daily. It is a form of communication and understanding I share with my best friend. Almost every extended weekend and break I get, I'm trying to figure out how I can spend as much time on the rock as possible. Often what keeps me motivated from day to day is the prospect of being that much closer to bigger, better mountains.

So surf on, Jack. My wish for the world is that every person would have such a passion in their life - regardless of what it is: music, art, medicine, writing, kite-boarding, fly-fishing, trampoline-jumping, juggling...anything but watching tv. I think if everyone had that kind of a passion, there would be no wars and violence - we'd all be too tired and content from doing whatever it is that we love.


Blogger amber eve said...

a. i enjoy your updates.

b. i agree with you about passion.

c. i hope you're doing well!

2:23 PM  
Blogger jared said...

derek/old roomate/old friend- word. your blog is good. keep it up when you can. and climb when you can, in the bathroom. living room. in your car. down the street. do it. do it. btw...love that pic of the sunset. always will.


8:14 AM  

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